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Introduction Movie Mark Ittleman using Teaching of Talking Method Stroke Patients with Aphasia

Aphasia Speech Therapy: Successful Results

Routines Aphasia Speech Therapy at Home

Aphasia Speech Therapy: Maintaining Communication

Aphasia Speech Therapy SLP Reports #3

Aphasia Speech Therapy SLP Reports #4

Dysarthria Speech Therapy and Aphasia Speech Therapy Demystified

Learn to Do Aphasia Speech Therapy at Home

Video Teaching of Talking Speech Therapy for Children and Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Instruction Manual Speech Therapy Aphasia #1


Instruction Manual Speech Therapy Aphasia #2

No Exercises!!  Speech Therapy Aphasia

Stepping Stone Approach (Teaching of Talking Method) to Aphasia

Singing is NOT Talking

How to Help Those with Aphasia

In this video, Moshe MARK shows you how you can resolve conflicts whether they are your own internal conflicts or those that you may be having with someone else.

What is the Power Behind Achievement? Why do some people under almost impossible odds achieve such miraculous results? Many of us in the rehabilitation field study this phenomena and hope that we can learn the strategies and methods so that we can help the people we serve accomplish their dreams.

Quite often people with aphasia are placed in social situations and are unable to interact with others. Find out how you can encourage speaking so that those with aphasia will be able to speak not only at home but also in social situations.