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A Letter to Readers by Moshe Mark

Dear Reader, 

It’s great to have you here for a few moments.  Many of you know that many of those with aphasia are able to speak again, and that is what I have been devoting my entire life to for the last 46 years.  

If you are at a stand-still with your speech therapy or if you believe that has to be something different or better than what you have right now, I encourage you to come to get to know us here at the Teaching of talking and also follow us on Facebook at Teaching of Talking.

 I am fully commitment to seeing those with aphasia-apraxia and their loved ones or even seeing those who live by themselves who are desirous of better talking through online mentoring.

It is a sincere pleasure to help people with speaking difficulties and will teach you ways to get better talking whether you are a husband-wife, child-family member neighbor or therapist.  Just about anyone can learn to help a loved one talk better or again if there is  desire and commitment.

I encourage you to join us today so that you can learn very easy, and common sensical approaches to helping other talk.

Best Wishes, and Come Join Us,


Moshe Mark
